Workshop: Cross-disciplinary perspectives on quoting and speech reporting

Dates: October 5-7, 2022 Place: ULB – Campus Solbosch (Brussels) Summary:The aim of this three-day workshop is to reinforce the links between different groups of scholars working on quotation and on reported speech. The workshop also seeks to broaden the scope of research by bringing to prominence research on sign languages and on ‘less well-studied’[…]

Tatsuya ITO

Chair Asia 2018 – Conference of Prof. Tatsuya ITO, linguistic teacher

Conference: “Logos et lemme de Tokuryu Yamauchi (1890-1982) : une critique de la logique occidentale” this Tuesday February 27, 2018 from 6 to 8 pm in room AY2.107. Free entrance without registration Informations: