Call for papers – DiscourseNet Congres #6

DNC6 (6th DiscourseNet Congress) – Discourse and the imaginaries of past, present and future societies: media and representations of (inter)national (dis)orders Website:  Contact:  Location: ULB (Université libre de Bruxelles), Brussels Date: July 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th , 2025 Important dates: Language policy: DiscourseNet is a multilingual association. At DNC6 we welcome contributions in the[…]

Seminar UTiL : 19/04/2024

We’re writing to remind you about our next ULB Talks in Linguistics meeting on April 19th, 14:00 – 16:00!   We’re very excited to invite you to our panel discussion on Post-Colonial Linguistics, featuring Nancy Kula (Leiden University), Jacky Maniacky (AfricaMuseum), and Lameen Souag (LACITO – CNRS). While we are centering this discussion on post-colonial linguistics[…]

Public defence of the PhD Thesis of Eleanor MILLER

Eleanor MILLER’s public defence to obtain the academic degree of Doctor of Languages, Literature and Translation Studies will take place on Friday, March 22, 2024. Ms. Eleanor MILLER will present and publicly defend an original essay entitled: “Comparative effects of informative presupposition on people’s representations of the conversational common ground” The Jury will be composed[…]