Belgian ‘Language in Autism’ Study

Program EOS (Excellence of Science) of F.R.S. – FNRS and of Research Foundation Flanders – FWO Spokesperson : M. Kissine (ULB) ULB: M. Kissine, A. Destrebecqz, G. Deliens. KULeuven: Ilse Noens, Inge Zink, Jean Steyaert. UGent: Herber Roeyers, Petra Warreyn. The majority of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) display a significant language delay, which may[…]


Implicit statistical learning (ISL)

Projet de Recherche : Co-directeurs: Mikhail Kissine & Arnaud Destrebecqz Doctorante: Charlotte Dumont Implicit statistical learning (ISL) refers to the acquisition of knowledge about complex structures without an intention to do so and in such a way that the acquired knowledge is difficult to verbalise.  Linguistic and non-linguistic ISL abilities have been shown to correlate[…]