Public defence of the PhD Thesis of Guillaume GUITANG

Guillaume GUITANG’s public defence to obtain the academic degree of Doctor of Languages, Literature and Translation Studies will take place on Monday, March 18, 2024 from 3 to 5 PM. Mr Guillaume GUITANG will present and publicly defend an original essay entitled: “A morphosyntactic description of Gizey (Chadic)“. The Jury will be composed of Mikhail[…]

Public defence of the PhD Thesis of Marielle Weyland

Marielle Weyland’s public defence to obtain the academic degree of Doctor in Psychology will take place on Thursday 7 MARCH 2024 from 1 to 4:30 PM. Ms. Marielle Weyland will present and publicly defend an original essay entitled : “Quantitative and qualitative analyses of (pre)verbal productions of children with high- and low-likelihood of autism –[…]