We’re writing to remind you about our next ULB Talks in Linguistics meeting on April 19th, 14:00 – 16:00!

We’re very excited to invite you to our panel discussion on Post-Colonial Linguistics, featuring Nancy Kula (Leiden University), Jacky Maniacky (AfricaMuseum), and Lameen Souag (LACITO – CNRS). While we are centering this discussion on post-colonial linguistics specifically, topics will include how social and power dynamics influence linguistic work abroad, but also how these factors can affect work that we do at home as well. Whether you have a background in the subject or not, you are equally welcome to come ask questions and voice your opinions. We hope you will join us for this very important discussion. This meeting, unlike those we have held up to this point, will take place predominantly in English, but we welcome questions and comments in both French and English, and we will have time for discussion over coffee and biscuits in whatever language you prefer.
A new date to mark!
“Exceptionally on Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024, 14:00-16:00, we will have the immense pleasure of welcoming Sandrine Zufferey (psycholinguist, University of Bern) who will give a presentation on the following theme: “Investigating gender inequalities in language: the role of psycholinguistics. “(Teams link for this seminar: https://tinyurl.com/ye25u9xj)
We look forward to seeing you in DB8.253 (the ACTE room) and getting a chance to learn something new together! Of course, if you cannot make it in person we will, as always, stream over Teams (LINK) as well.
We look forward to seeing you on April 19th,
The UTiL Team