Antonin THUNS‘s public defence for his PhD Thesis “Word Meanings Out There and Within: Toward a Naturalistic Account” will be held on June 22, 2020 from 2 to 4 pm
For pecular organizational’s reasons, it will only be a proclamation. A public seminar will be held as soon as the deconfinement allows it.
We invite you to consult the summary of the thesis of Mr. Anthonin THUNS on the following link: https://ltc.ulb.be/soutenance-de-these-de-antonin-thuns-1.
The jury is composed by Philippe De Brabanter (Promotor), Xavier Luffin (President), Philippe Kreutz (Secretary), Mikhail Kissine (ULB), Diego Marconi (Universita degli studi di Torino) et François Recanati (Collège de France).
Caution: You will only be able to connect to this proclamation via this link: https://teams.microsoft.com/…/19%3ameeting_NDZlOTBmYmItM…/0…