Public doctoral seminar: reported speech in political debates on TV, Domitille Caillat

The public seminar following the dissertation viva of Domitille Caillat, co-supervised with the Université Lumière Lyon 2,

will take place Tuesday, the 17th of January, from 10 am to 12 pm, in the room AZ.4.103.
50, avenue F.D. Roosevelt – 1050 Brussels
! acces to the room will not be authorised after 10.00 !

Mrs Domitille Caillat will present the research conducted in the context of her PhD dissertation in Languages, letters and traductology, titled:  “Reported discours in political debates on TV: forms and functions in resorting to the discours of others. The case of the between-two-rounds debates in the French presidentials (1974-2012)”