Clin, E., & Kissine, M. (2023). Listener- Versus Speaker-Oriented Disfluencies in Autistic Adults: Insights From Wearable Eye-Tracking and Skin Conductance Within a Live Face-to-Face Paradigm Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research
Geelhand, P., Papastamou, F., Belenger, M., Clin, E., Hickman, L., Keating, C. T., & Sowden, S. (2023). Autism-related language preferences of French-speaking autistic adults: An online survey. Autism in Adulthood, Ahead of Print
Jaspers J. (2023). Crossing. In: S. D’hondt, P. Gras, M. Vandenbroucke et F. Brisard (Eds.), Handbook of Pragmatics. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 21-45
Jaspers J. (2023). Interactional sociolinguistics and discourse analysis. In: J.P. Gee & M. Handford (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Discourse Analysis (2nd edition). London-New York: Routledge, 85-97
Jaspers J. & P. van de Weerd (2023). Sociolinguistic approaches to language and youth. In: B.A. Svendsen & R. Jonsson (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language and Youth Culture. London-New York: Routledge, 3-15
Jaspers J. (2022). Linguistic dilemmas and chronic ambivalence in the classroom: introduction. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 43:4, 281-294
Jaspers J. & K. Rosiers (2022). Soft power: teachers’ friendly implementation of a severe monolingual policy. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 43:4, 295-308
Geelhand, P., Papastamou, F., & Kissine, M. (2021). How do autistic adults use syntactic and prosodic cues to manage spoken discourse?. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 1-26.
Lippert, E. (2021), Argumentation et problématique environnementale sur Instagram: l’ethos écologique d’E. Macron, Travaux du CBL, vol.15.
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Geelhand, P., Papastamou, F., Deliens, G., & Kissine, M. (2020). Narrative production in autistic adults: A systematic analysis of the microstructure, macrostructure and internal state language. Journal of Pragmatics, 164, 57- 81.
Jaspers J. (2020). Sujet toxique ou d’actualité? La diglossie aujourd’hui. Langage et Société 171:3, 123-135.
Jaspers J. (Ed.) (2020). Special issue on ‘Linguistic dilemmas and chronic ambivalence in the classroom’. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.
Jaspers J. (2020). Talking like a zero-lingual: Ambiguous linguistic caricatures at an urban secondary school. In: M. Yamamoto (Ed.), Contemporary Studies in Bilingualism and Multilingualism Vol II (Sage Benchmarks in Language and Linguistics), pp. 229-255. London: Sage.
Jaspers J. & M. Meeuwis (2020). Willen we dan een tweede Afrikaans? Over het integreren en afscheiden van talige variëteiten in Vlaanderen en Zuid-Afrika. Wetenschappelijke Tijdingen 79: 1, 38-75.
Rosier, L. (2020). Reconfigurations des formes canoniques du discours rapporté en milieu numérique : quelques exemples remarquables de discours directs. e-Rea
Jaspers J. (2019). Authority and morality in advocating heteroglossia. Language, Culture and Society 1:1, 84-105.
Jaspers J. & Lian Malai Madsen (Eds) (2019). Critical perspectives on linguistic fixity and fluidity: languagised lives. London-New York: Routledge.
Jaspers J. & Lian Malai Madsen (2019). Fixity and fluidity in sociolinguistic theory and practice. In: J. Jaspers & L. M. Madsen (eds.), Critical perspectives on linguistic fixity and fluidity: languagised lives. London-New York : Routledge, 1-26.
Jaspers J. (2019). The deliberative teacher. Wavering between linguistic uniformity and diversity. In: J. Jaspers & L. M. Madsen (eds.) Critical perspectives on linguistic fixity and fluidity: languagised lives. London-New York: Routledge, 217-240.
Jaspers J. & S. Van Hoof (2019). Style and stylisation. In: K. Tusting (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Linguistic Ethnography. London: Routledge (à paraître).
De Brabanter, P. (2018). Pragmatic and semantic commitment when using quotative markers, with application to French dire and genre. Journal of Pragmatics, 128, 137-147.
Jaspers J. (2018). The boundaries of belonging. A commentary. In: L. Cornips & V. de Rooij (eds.), The sociolinguistics of place and belonging. Perspectives from the margins. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 17-26.
Jaspers J. (2018). Language education policy and sociolinguistics. Toward a new critical engagement. In: J. Tollefson & M. Perez-Milans (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Language Policy and Planning, 704-723.
Jaspers J. & Meeuwis M. (2018). ‘We don’t need another Afrikaans’. Adequation and distinction in South African and Flemish language policies Sociolinguistic Studies 12:1.
Jaspers J. (2018). The transformative limits of translanguaging. Language & Communication, 58, 1-10.
Jaspers J. (2018). Double-edged valorizations of urban heteroglossia. In: Van Avermaet, S. Sierens, S. Slembrouck & K. Maryns (Eds.), The multilingual edge of education. Palgrave Macmillan, 191-210.
Pantazi, M., Kissine, M., Klein, O. (2018). The Power of the Truth Bias: False Information Affects Memory and Judgment Even in the Absence of Distraction. Social Cognition: Vol. 36, No. 2, 167-198.
Jaspers J. & Van Hoof S. (2017). Taal van eigen kweek: het Nederlands van etnische minderheden In: G. De Sutter (Ed.), De vele gezichten van het Nederlands in Vlaanderen. Een inleiding tot de variatietaalkunde. Leuven: Acco, 268-289.
Jaspers J. (2017). The colour of Dutch. Some limits and opportunities of identifying Dutch ethnolects Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 6:2, 231-246.
Jaspers J. (2017). Migration and language use at school: an ethnographic close-up. In: C. Timmerman, N. Fadil, N. Clycq & I. Goddeeris (eds), Moroccan migration in Belgium. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 276-284.